
Friday 9 May 2014

My all-time favourite squeeze is

80 today...
Happy Birthday
Alan Bennett.

Why you haven't been knighted I'll never know.
I have a sneaky feeling that
being anti-establishment,
you've sent them packing?
I do hope so.

“We started off trying to set up a small anarchist community, but people wouldn't obey the rules.” 
― Alan BennettGetting On


  1. At our house, we are a small anarchist community!
    By the way, I've just bought a pair of new sandals exactly like yours in your header photo. From Schuh, by Red or Dead of course.

  2. I knew you were my kind of girl Nilly.
    Have you got a Shoon shop near you? I live in the summer in their wolky sandals. Gold nail polish on my tooties and the job's a goodun! Not elegant, but at 'our' age ... Comfort Rules OK!


    1. My sandals are from Schuh, the York branch. Very comfy & just like the Clark's ones we wore to school but in more interesting colours.

  3. I am so glad you posted this, it is far too long since I read any Alan Bennett. I shall raid my shelves forthwith.

    1. Best tell your bro, that he is below A.B. on my list of men I have a sneaky hankering for. I think it's as well he knows now: don't want to break the lad's heart do we now Elaine!


      P.S. Mr Bennett is only the second person I've ever sent a fan letter to.

  4. The reason Alan Bennett hasn't been knighted is that he turned one down in 1996! He also turned down a CBE in 1988. (See "Arise, Sir..." in Untold Stories') Another reason to add to the list of why he is the greatest living Englishman!!

    1. Couldn't agree more. Just off to reread Untold Stories. Me brain's not what it used to be, but then you already know that.

